GLOSSARYThe CriminalWatchDog Criminal Definitions and Employment Screening Glossary

Aa by pub serv:

aggravated assault by public servant


aggravated assault with a deadly weapon


aggravated assault against peace officer

Aa/pub serv:

aggravated assault against public servant


aggravated assault causes severe bodily injury


aggravated assault against witness

Acquitted - Non-conviction:

The charges against the defendant are dropped.

Act phys asst w/o lic:

act as physician asst without license

Adjudicated Guilty - Conviction:

The defendant has been found guilty of the charges.

Adjudication Withheld - Non-conviction:

The court does not give a final judgment regarding the case. The defendant is given probation, a program or community service in which they have a specified amount of time to complete. If the defendant complies, the case may be dismissed, depending on the county/state. If they do not dismiss in that particular county/state, then the disposition remains adjudication withheld and the case is closed. However, if the defendant is found in violation, the case disposition may be changed and the defendant can be found in guilt.

Agg aslt dw:

aggravated assault with a deadly weapon

Agg aslt sbi:

aggravated assault causes severe bodily injury

Agg kidnap:

aggravated kidnapping

Agg prom prost:

aggravated promotion of prostitution

Agg rob dw:

aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon

Agg sex a-v ch drugs:

aggravated sexual assault child

Agg sex a-v ch dw:

aggravated sexual assault child

Agg sex a-v ch fear:

aggravated sexual assault child

Agg sex a-v ch fear:

aggravated sexual assault child

Agg sex a-v ch sbi:

aggravated sexual assault child

Agg sex a-v ch/14:

aggravated sexual assault child

Agg sex a-v concert:

aggravated sexual assault

Agg sex a-v concert ch:

aggravated sexual assault

Agg sex a-v drugs:

aggravated sexual assault

Agg sex a-v dw:

aggravated sexual assault with deadly weapon

Agg theft 100k r&c:

theft >=$100K<$200K

Agg theft 200k r&c:

theft >=$200K

Agg theft 50:

theft >=$50<$500

Agg theft 50 pub serv:

theft >=$50<$500 public servant

Agg theft r&c 20k:

theft >=$20K<$100K


Accumulated Amount

ARD Program - Non-conviction:

Stands for 'Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition Program'. Mostly found in the state of Pennsylvania. This program given to the defendant in place of adjudication. If the defendant completes the program, the case is closed.

Assault B-I:

Assault to cause bodily injury.

Att burg building:

burglary of building

Att burg com:

burglary of coin operated machine

Att burg hab:

burglary of habitation

Att burg veh:

burglary of vehicle

Att mfg cs 400g:

poss with intent man/del controlled substance

Att tres hab:

criminal trespass of a habitation